Uncomfortable Facts About Japan

There are some common misconceptions I see thrown around about Japan, but I lived there for 11 years, so I’m a bit more cynical.

  1. Japanese people aren’t actually friendly, they’re polite. The only Japanese people I got along with were ones that spent time overseas.
  2. Japan is an openly racist country. There are bars and clubs that won’t let you in unless you’re Japanese, and they don’t even sugar coat it.
  3. Rape and sexual assault are very common in Japan, and it’s barely considered a crime. It’s difficult, in the Japanese language, to simply say no, so it’s common for women to have sex against their will because they’re afraid of being impolite.
  4. The legal system is downright scary. There’s a 99% conviction rate and Japanese police will compel you into confessing to a crime you didn’t commit, just to keep the conviction rate high. They’re not nice about it either. They can legally detain you for 23 days without even officially charging you with a crime.
  5. You’re often not a Japanese person’s “friend”, you’re their foreign friend. This is true even after years of friendship and it can be heartbreaking.

Don’t get it misconstrued, I love Japan and consider Yokosuka, Japan to be my hometown, but many people view it as a magical place without any flaws, and this simply isn’t true.

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2 thoughts on “Uncomfortable Facts About Japan

  1. I think Japan is still living in a state of mind where they feel that they are still fighting world war 2 ,apparently they are cool and silent but the two atomic attacks by USA they can’t forget they can’t forgive to be honest I’m living here almost my life but I always thought how much I could be fine to them but they will never accept it ,they still feel that enemy is now inside ,,how to deal with them ?and that mindset is very dangerous that they are using cod words to communicate with each other if some foreigner is arguing with them on a matter that can harm a fellow Japanese no matter if that Japanese is 100% offender but they will take sides with their fellow Japanese because of the war memories ,they feel still they are on real battlefield!wow ,,,that mindset chills any one deep up to bones ,we were feeling that they are very polite very cooperative and a humble special race in the world ?but no it’s your mistake ,it’s their war strategy.I don’t talk about 100% Japanese are same ! but majority means authority ,the best lovely gentle Japanese can’t help because they feel backlash of majority,even Police will save the offender if he is a Japanese and victim is a foreigner, then here your nightmare begins because the court system is they require Police report and police statement in written and police provides it in court where they become free lawyers for the fellow Japanese no matter if he is offender or criminal ,statement declares that we never witnessed any wrongdoing of Japanese if the foreigner is bleeding it was not that Japanese hit him or beat him we did not witness maybe that bleeding or wound was not related with offender but it was older one and that’s all the court will never listen even a single world from the victim if he is foreigner, court will never order a new investigation but just like behaving like a military court even court can issue arrest warrants or a robust amount to pay to offender because of bogus case ,they say Japanese police can’t lie so you have to pay the price not the offender ,,,,that’s creepy a code they are sharing on a real battlefield,they behave just like this military way with any foreigner victim in courts ? Any offender is a police himself court himself a judge himself no problem,,,Japanese law allows them to use that strategy if the victim is foreigner ,,but if both are Japanese then they can get justices no problem,for a foreigner the Japan is still a trap of World War Two ,,,,they are still fighting with outsiders ,in their secret codes war is still not over .Might is right they can’t deal with same way to American base personnels if they are in military service but if they are out of service,they could be victim more than any other foreigner and USA can’t help them ,they are legally only taking guarantees of military servicemen ,,,,out of service? You are your own on the battlefield.So I think Japan is peaceful no problem everything goes smooth but if you become a victim then any Japanese is everything for you he is policeman he is investigator he is lawyer and he is a judge for foreigner and poor foreigner has no right to defend or even call for help to defend for him ,,example is the behave with ex chief of Nissan motors he was very abused in jail in courts no lawyer was ready to defend him only a lazy very weak aged single lawyer was attached to him for defense? While he had no problem of money to hire a full team of strong lawyers but no lawyer will cooperate because you r a foreigner no matter if you are a poor or rich your game is over in Japan,,, then a third country helped ex boss of Nissan motors to escape secretly from Japan using chartered flight . That’s why secretly Japan is still at war of WW2 with outsiders ,take care whenever anybody wants to shift in Japan for migration?? A nightmare could wait for you if you r bad luck


  2. Hey Mr Justin ,,your story was not so much good experience in Japan ,,,so sorry to read ,,but that’s reality


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